Population: 1.285.249 (2000) Trafic Code: 27 The province of Gaziantep is one of the oldest culture centers of Southeastern Anatolian region. The history of the city extends to 4000 B.C years and most of the civilizations were founded on the surrounding lands. The city is located between Mesopotamia and Mediterranean and is at the intersection point of the roads connecting east to south and north to west and is also located on the historic Silk Road. The province of Gaziantep hosts findings, creations and structures of Paleolithic, Neolithic and Calceolithic Ages, Bronze Age, Hittite, Median, Asurian, Persian, Alexander the Great, Selefkos, Roman, Byzantine, Abbasi and Seljuk civilizations periods. Beside its cultural riches, Gaziantep is a tourism paradise with its natural beauties, geography, rich variety of food and shopping possibilities. Districts: Gaziantep (center), Araban, İslahiye, Karkamış, Nizip, Oğuzeli, Nurdağı, Şahinbey, Şehitkamil, Yavuzeli.
How to Get
The province of Gaziantep is located at the intersection point of both highway and railway transportation connecting south and Mediterranean to east and north and is at the entrance point of GAP. Gaziantep is a crucial point for highway transportation and is an important center of Silk Road.
Railway: The railway connections between Gaziantep - Nusaybin and Gaziantep - Istanbul (over Adana - Konya, Afyon, Kütahya and Eskişehir) are present.
Airway: The Gaziantep Oğuzeli Airport is located at 20 km. distance to the city center. It is possible to reach to the airport via the special services of Turkish
Air Lines.
Where to Visit
Museums and Ancient Cities
Another attractive section in the museum is the Technology Section and Nostalgia display cabinet. In these sections, the cameras, old radios, gramophones, typewriters, old sewing machines, century old wall clocks and old postcards displaying the development of Gaziantep are exhibited. Museum Tel: (+ 90 - 342) 231 11 71 Address: Kamil Ocak Avenue No: 2 Şehit Kamil Open hours to visit: 08.30a.m - 12.00a.m / 13.00p.m - 16.45p.m Open days to visit: Everyday except Mondays Hasan Süzer Ethnography Museum: This museum was founded inside an old and restored traditional Antep house constructed at the beginning of the 20th century by Hasan Süzer. The museum has been hosting the Ethnography section of the Gaziantep Museum since 1985. In a separate section of the house, the weapons and the war equipment used in the defense of Antep, documents and the photos of the heroes, war veterans and martyrs are exhibited. Other sections of the house are decorated with the authentic objects reflecting the daily lifestyle. Museum Tel: (+ 90 - 342) 230 47 21 Address : Eyüboğlu Quarter, Hanifioğlu Street No: 64 Şahinbey Open hours to visit: 08.30a.m - 12.00a.m / 13.00p.m - 16.45p.m Open days to visit: Every day except Mondays Yesemek Open Air Museum: The museum is located at the skirts of Karatepe hill, located southeast of Yesemek village which is 23 km. southeast of İslahiye district. The museum is stated as "Yesemek Stone Mine and Sculpture Workshop" in the publications and approximately 300 statues and sculpture rough drafts were discovered in the excavations. The workshop was operated by Sam'al (Zincirli) Kingdom in between 1375 - 1335 B.C in the Late Hittites period and the native folk of Hurri were worked in this workshop. After the destruction of Sam'al (Zincirli) Kingdom at the end of 9th century B.C by the Asurian civilization, The Stone Mine and the Sculpture Workshop was closed and the working folk had abandoned the area. At the present day, it is possible to watch the progress of sculpture making at the sculpture workshop which was founded over an approximate area of 100 acres. An approximate quantity of 300 sculpture rough drafts had been excavated from ground and exhibited in a particular formation in the Open Air Museum. The museum contains pieces depicting sphinxes, lions, mountain gods, bear man and various architecture pieces. Museum Tel: (+ 90 - 342) 875 10 55 Address: İslahiye District Yesemek Village Open hours to visit: 08:30a.m - 12:00a.m / 13:00p.m - 16:45p.m Belkıs / Zeugma: Belkıs / Zeugma ancient city was founded by the general of Alexander the Great Seleukos Nikator in the 3rd century B.C at the banks of the Kızılırmak River, 10 km east of Nizip district of Gaziantep, over an approximate area of 20 thousand acres. The first name of the ancient city was Seleukeia Euphrates. The ancient city had entered under the reign of Roman Empire in 64 B.C and it was renamed as "Zeugma", which means "passage way" or "bridge". The ancient city of Belkıs / Zeugma was an important Legion city in the Roman and Byzantine Periods and was one of the most important four cities of Commagene civilization. At the skirts of the ancient city facing the Fırat River the mansions of the wealthy citizens was constructed and the floors of these houses were covered with numerous mosaics with high art value. Numerous rock tombs are located in the Necropolis and lots of tomb steles, statues and human skeletons were discovered. Dülük: This ancient city was located 10 km south of Gaziantep city center. The ancient city was located on the historical Silk Road. At the Şarklı Cave located in the borders of this ancient city, tools made of stone were discovered proving the settlement of the mankind in the region at 6000 B.C. The ancient city is known as Doliche in the history and was the religious center of Teşup, the master deity of Hittite civilization. Numerous rock tombs and churches carved into rocks are available for visit at Dülük village.
Ruins of Karkamış: Some parts of the Karkamış ruins are inside the borders of Syria. The ruins of Karkamış are located to the south of Karkamış district and its historical background extends to the Neolithic periods. The Legend of Gılgamesh was described on the Karkamış ruins in the Late Hittite period. The findings discovered from this ruins are exhibited in the Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum.
Gaziantep Castle: Gaziantep Castle is one of the beautiful samples of the castles that could withstand the destruction of time. The definite period of construction and its original inhabitants are unclear.
There are some rumors about the castle's origin as it was initially constructed as a frontier watch tower in Roman period and extended in time to become a castle and attained the current form in the Byzantine Emperor Justinianus period in 6th century A.D. The ruins of a bath, cisterns, small mosque and various other structures are located inside the castle. Hours of Visit: 08.30a.m - 12.00a.m / 13.00p.m - 16.45p.m Rumkale Rumkale: (Hromgla) Castle is located on a dominant hill covered with high and steep rocks at the western shores of Fırat River, where it joins with Merziman Creek at the Kasaba village of Yavuzeli District of Gazinatep province. It is estimated that the Johannes, Apostle of Jesus Christ live in the vicinity of Rumkale and try to spread Christianity in the Roman period at this locality and also it is estimated that Johannes hide his drafts of Holy Bible in a room carved in the rocks and later this Bible of Johannes was taken to Beirut. The tomb of Johannes is located in the castle and therefore the castle is a sacred place for Christians. .
Mosques, Mausoleums and Churches
The major mosques of the city are Şeyh Fethullah Mosque, Boyacı Mosque, Ömeriye Mosque and Ahmet Çelebi Mosque. The Kendirli Church, which was constructed by the French Missionaries with the assistance of Napoleon III in 1860 is important and should be visited. The Mausoleums of St. Ökkeşiye, Prophet Yuşa and St. Pirsefa are beautiful creations and are worth seeing.
ŞEYH FETHULLAH MOSQUE AND KULLIYE (Lower Şeyh Mosque, Center) It is the most important ancient structure in Gaziantep, and at Şehreküstü District. According to its inscriptions, kulliye is composed of mosque, zaviye, hamam and theology school. We can also add the “castel”, which is another element of today’s kulliye, which has no theology school, and still active, to this complex. The mosque, which gather first period Ottoman mosque plan perceptiveness successfully but with a different composition, has an important place within Turkish - Islam architecture especially with its dome. There is a hand written Holy Koran, written by Şeyh Fettullah within the mosque. BOYACI MOSQUE (Center) It is the oldest mosque of Gaziantep, and constructed by Boyacı Yusuf and Kadı kemalettin in 1357. Mosque, which belongs to Turkish Memluks, is very rich in connection with marble and tile adornments. Wooden balcony, which is the oldest sample of wooden craft of Gaziantep, has twelve branched stars, which are adorned with pelmet, rosette and geometric motifs. ÖMERİYE MOSQUE (Center) It is written in the records that Gaziantep's Düğmeci District present mosque is repaired in 1210. It is told that mosque, which is not clearly known that by whom it is constructed, is constructed by Emevi Caliph, Ömer Bin Abdülaziz, grandson of Hz. Ömer, from his daughter, during Hz. Ömer period. Another name of the mosque is "Ömereyn" meaning 'two Ömers'. On the parapets of minaret balcony, beautiful samples of the stone masonry can be seen. AHMET ÇELEBİ MOSQUE (Center) It is at the Ulucanlar District. Founder of the mosque is Hacı Osmanoğlu Şeyh Ramazan Efendi, one of the descendants of the prophet. It is a kulliye, composed of theology school, mosque and castel. It is understood from its inscription that it is constructed in 1672. Wooden craftsmanship is interesting. YUŞA PEYGAMBER MAUSOLEUM (Center) Yuşa Peygamber is one of the sons of İsrail, and niece of Hz. Musa. He had saved İsrail oğulları from nomadic life and put them in Arzı Kenan. There are two mausoleums within two chambers of this building, which is at the Boyacı district, Pir Sefa site. One of these belongs to Yuşa prophet and other one belongs to Pir Sefa hazretleri. PİR SEFA HAZRETLERİ MAUSOLEUM (Center) Pir Sefa hazretleri and Yuşa prophet is lying at the same place. Mausoleum of Pir Sefa is five stages below surface. According to the rumors; Pir Sefa, become the mausoleum protector of Hz. Yuşa, and buried here when he deceased. According to another rumor, Pir Sefa is from Medine and from ensar. During the conquer of Gaziantep by Muslims, he had come here under the commandership of Hz. Ali, and while fighting with Karaçomak side by side, his body is divided into two and become martyr. Then he is buried beside Hz. Ömer Yuşa, and told that "I made him neighbor to his Prophet Zişan ". ÖKKEŞİYE HAZRETLERİ MAUSOLEUM (Nurdağı) Mausoleum, which is on a hill at south east of Nurdağı province, is 17 kilometers away from Gözlühöyük. It is told that Ökkeşiye hazretleri was one of the five martyrs, who died during the conquer of Gaziantep and environs during Hz. Ömer period. RUMKALE (Yavuzeli) Greek castle, which is in the Kasaba village of Yavuzeli province of city of Gaziantep, is at the intersection point of Fırat River and Merzimen stream. It is thought that it is constructed in 840 B. C. during late Hittite period. It is told that one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, Johannes (Yuhenna) had turned the Greek Castle into a center during Roman period, and maintained the spread of Christianity to Gaziantep environment. Rumour has it that the draft of the Bible of Yuhenna was kept in a secret room engraved to rock in the castle and then smuggled to Beirut.It is also told that cemetery of Yuhenna is within the castle and for this reason it is a holy place.
The majority of the traditional Antep houses are located in the Şahinbey quarter of the Merkez District and are among the most beautiful examples of rich cultural heritage. With their traditional architectural tissue, this houses represent properties peculiar to Southeastern Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Syria. The wooden craftsmanship of the window covers and doors are authentic.
İslahiye Hızır Highland (Huzur Highland)
Transportation: Turn south on the İslahiye -Hatay highway at the Nurdağı junction, which is located on the Gaziantep-Adana highway. Turn west when you come to the town of Altmüzüm and then take the road leading to the villages of Kerküt - Hasanlök - Tandır and the ruins at Cıncıklı (an old monastery). After passing through the vineyards and gardens of Tandır Village, you will continue following this steep winding gravel road lined with pines and small shrubs until you reach the Huzur Highlands (20 km.) People from the nearby villages, who come to take care of their apple, pear, cherry and sour cherry trees as well as to grow strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers during the summer months bring life and vitality to the highlands as they make use of their small garden plots and raise their cattle. The small creeks and springs fed by the melting snows and ice-cold underground rivers and the mountain meadows covered with snowdrops, narcissus, mullein, daisy, wild cyclamen, tulips and other flowers make this a highland well-worth seeing. Accommodations - Food and Drink: The local people take advantage of their simple highland houses by offering them to visitors. Those who would like to camp must bring their own tent and other basic supplies. Little Sof Highland (Gerdek Springs ): Transportation: Take the Gaziantep-Adana highway out 21 kilometers and turn off at the road to Dımışıklı Village. Take this gravel road for another 10 kilometers and then take the turn off for the Little Sof Highland (Küçük Sof Highland), which is another 2.5 km. Description: The north and northeast section of this otherwise completely rocky untillable highland are farm fields. Accommodations - Food and Drink: There are no facilities there. Visitors will have to come with their own vehicle and bring any basic supplies with them. Sof Highland: Transportation: Turn left at the village of Dımışıklı and go 3 km. to the village of Sof Alıcı. Take the gravel road north to the highland (2 km.) Description: The highland, with an elevation of 1400 m. is surrounded with rocky hills and resembles a large a earthenware bowl. The level areas of this mountain plateau are used for fruit orchards. Because they are so rocky, about the only vegetation the hills can support are a few scrub trees. The water which comes out of the southeastern slopes disappears underground in the foothills to the northwest. The cucumbers, apples, grapes and other farm products grown in the clean healthy air of these highlands do not begin to ripen until the end of summer because of the high elevation and for this reason are extremely delicious. Accommodations - Food and Drink: People who come from Gaziantep and the surrounding villages stay in the simple highland houses. Visitors will have to come with their own vehicle and bring any basic supplies with them.
The old city known as Ayıntap had been founded 12 km northwest of today's Gaziantep at the location of today's Dülük Village. The city had witnessed the periods of Hittite, Asurian, Median, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, Mongol, Dulkadiroğulları, Memlük and Ottoman civilizations.
Where to Eat
The province is famous with its kebab varieties such as; kuşbaşı kebab, kıyma (mince meat) kebab, patlıcan (aubergine) kebab, soğan (onion) kebab, simit kebab and ciğer (liver) (cırtlak) kebab. Among other local meal varieties, yuvarlama, lahmacun (pancake with spicy meat), karışık dolma (mixed vegetable stuff), maş soup, beyran, şiveydiz, yaprak sarması (leaf wrapping), çağla meal, kabaklama, börk meal, doğrama, kaburga dolması (rib stuff), alinazik, yoğurtlu patates (potato with yogurt), künefe, burmalı kadayıf and Antepfıstığı (pistachio) paste could be counted.
What to Buy
The baklava of Gaziantep, Pistachio of the region and dried fruit pulp, red pepper and spices should be included in your shopping list in Gaziantep. The shopping malls of the city are intensified at the most busy centers of the province like Mütercin Asım, Gaziler, Suburcu, Kargöz and Şıhcan avenues and at the regions of Değirmiçem and Sarıgüllük where the new settlement areas are founded. Shopping in Belediye Passage, Büyük Passage, Söylemez Passage, Halep Passage, Suriye Passage and Kurtuluş Passage is available
Don't Leave Without
- Visiting Archeology Museum, Hasan Süzer Ethnography Museum,
- Visiting Historical Gaziantep Houses and Gaziantep Castle, - Visiting Yesemek Open Air Museum, Ancient cities of Belkıs / Zeugma, Rumkale and Dülük / Doliche, - Tasting Gaziantep lahmacun (pancake with spicy meat), Ali Nazik kebab, yuvarlama, içli köfte, keme kebab and yeni dünya kebab (this kebab is available every year in April and May), patlıcan (aubergine) kebab, soğan (onion) kebab, simit kebab, ciğer (liver) (cırtlak) kebab, worldwide famous baklava of Gaziantep and pistachio paste, - Buying traditional Gaziantep hand crafts; nacre embroidered objects, kutnu clothing, copper crafts, yemeni, baklava of Gaziantep, Antepfistığı (pistachio), sweet sausage and dried fruit pulp, red pepper and spices, - Participating the Liberation Festivals, which is celebrated every year in December 25 |
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
İnformation About Gaziantep
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