Population: 194.326 (2000)
Traffic Code: 11
Province of Bilecik is located at the southeast of Marmara Region at the intersection locality of Marmara Region, Black Sea Region, Central Anatolia Region and Aegean Region. The oldest known names of the province are Agrilion and Belekoma. Province of Bilecik is the land where the Ottoman Empire is founded. The province is founded around the Sakarya river and is known with the riches of small ponds and creeks and carries the traces of ancient ages.
Districts : Bilecik (centre), Bozüyük, Gölpazarı, Osmaneli, Pazaryeri, Söğüt, Yenipazar.
How to Get
Highway: The bus station is located on the Atatürk Avenue in the city center.
Where to Visit
Tower, Castle
Belekoma Castle: The castle is located at the banks of the Hamsıs Creek on a steep hill. It was constructed by the Byzantine in Medieval Ages.
Mausoleums: Most important mausoleums of Bilecik Province are Şeyh Edebalı Mausoleum, Malhatun Mausoleum, Dursun Fakıh Mausoleum and Ertuğrul Gazi Mausoleum.
Thermal Resorts
Osmaneli - Selçik Mineral Waters: This mineral water resort is located at a locality 9 kilometers distant to Osmaneli District. The transportation is possible via highway and railway. The mineral water comes out from four separate fountains. This mineral water is known to cure the diseases of stomach, liver, ballast, intestines and urethra. This water also assists to dissolve and drop the rocks formed in kidneys.
Söğüt Çaltı Thermal Spring: The thermal spring is located at the Çaltı locality of Söğüt district. The water of this thermal spring comes from a spring, which is 30 km. away from the resort. The water of this thermal spring is used as bath and drinking. The water is known to cure the skin diseases, stomach sicknesses, rheumatic diseases, neuritis, poli neuritis and gynecological diseases.
Söğüt Çaltı Thermal Spring: The thermal spring is located at the Çaltı locality of Söğüt district. The water of this thermal spring comes from a spring, which is 30 km. away from the resort. The water of this thermal spring is used as bath and drinking. The water is known to cure the skin diseases, stomach sicknesses, rheumatic diseases, neuritis, poli neuritis and gynecological diseases.
Kömürsu Plateau: The plateau is at 28 km distance to the center of Bozüyük district and is covered with fir trees, black pines, beech trees, juniper trees and poplar trees. In the summer season, the plateau is covered with green meadows and various flowers. The plateau is also an important location for winter tourism.
Sofular Plateau: The plateau is at 25 km distance to the center of Bozüyük district and is covered with pine and fir trees. The height of the plateau is approximately 1600 meters. The plateau is important for Plateau tourism.
Kamçı Plateau: The plateau is located at the region of Bozcaarmut village of Pazaryeri district and is important with its pine tree forests. This plateau is used as camping and resting place.
Sofular Plateau: The plateau is at 25 km distance to the center of Bozüyük district and is covered with pine and fir trees. The height of the plateau is approximately 1600 meters. The plateau is important for Plateau tourism.
Kamçı Plateau: The plateau is located at the region of Bozcaarmut village of Pazaryeri district and is important with its pine tree forests. This plateau is used as camping and resting place.
Ancient Cities
Küçükelmalı Small Lake Environ: This promenade area is located in the borders of Küçükelmalı village, which is 10 kilometers away from Pazaryeri district. The area is covered with pine forests and is a resting place.
Bozcaarmut Small Lake Environ: This promenade area is at the vicinity of Bozcaarmut Village, which is 15 km away from the district. The area is covered with fir tree and pine forests.
Kınık Waterfall: This waterfall comes out from Kınık village Alamandere locality and displays an interesting appearance. It is approximately 25 km. away from the city center.
Bozcaarmut Small Lake Environ: This promenade area is at the vicinity of Bozcaarmut Village, which is 15 km away from the district. The area is covered with fir tree and pine forests.
The province of Bilecik displays a characteristic of transition climate between the severe and low precipitant terrestrial climate of the Central Anatolia Region and warm and precipitant climate of the Marmara and Black Sea Region. The known history of the Bitinia Region starts with the nation of Thyns originated from the nations of Thrace whom inhabited the region in BC 1950's. The region was then entered under the dominance of Egypt, Hittite, Frig, Kimmer, Lydia, Persian, Macedonian civilizations and Bitinya Kingdom, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire and Ottoman Empire. After the settlement of a tribe leaded by Ertuğrul Bey from the Kayı Clan of the Turkish nation to the environ of Söğüt and vicinity, the first steps of the foundation of the Ottoman Empire was taken.
Where to Eat
The local folk also prepares food varieties like macaroni, soup with dried yogurt, kuskus macaroni and erişte (vermicelli) by themselves. Büzme, nohutlu tavuklu mantı (meat pastry with chickpea and chicken), keşkek, ovmaç soup, mercimekli mantı (meat pastry with lentil), kesme hamur (cut pastry), keklik kebabı (partridge kebab), köpük helvası (foam sweat made of cereals) could be counted among the authentic food varieties of Bilecik region.
What to Buy
Don't Leave Without
- Participating the Culture and Art Festival of Ahilik, Remembrance of Ertuğrul Gazi and Liberation of Söğüt, Bilecik from enemy occupation.
- Visiting Şeyh Edebalı, Ertuğrul Gazi, Dursun Fakıh Mausoleums and Watch Tower
- Visiting the Ethnography Museum
- Visiting Şeyh Edebalı, Ertuğrul Gazi, Dursun Fakıh Mausoleums and Watch Tower
- Visiting the Ethnography Museum
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