Erzurum is the biggest city of the Eastern Anatolian Region and is also a very ancient settlement place. As the city is established at the skirts of Palandöken Mountain, the city had gained great importance in the field of winter tourism during the recent years. The city houses numerous historically rich works of art and therefore the city is like a cultural center having the major potential for tourism.
How to Get
Erzurum is connected to the neighboring provinces and to the other regions of the country by a network of highways, railways and air ways.
Highway The bus terminal is at the city center.
Railway The Railway Station is at the city center.
Airway The Erzurum Airport is 10 km away from the city center. From Erzurum Airport, domestic and foreign flights are executed by the connection of Ankara.
Where to Visit
Historical Places
Erzurum Castle The castle is on the ancient Silk Road of Horasan - Pasinler - Erzurum which is 79 kilometers away from Erzurum Province. The first construction date of the Erzurum Castle is not certain but it is assumed that this castle was built in the first period of 5th century A.D by Byzantines.
The Watch Tower The watch Tower was constructed as a minaret to the Inner castle small mosque and is also named as Tray Minaret and Tower. The Watch Tower which is located on the ramparts of the Erzurum Castle which was constructed on a dominant hill over the city and could be seen from every location in the city.
Çobadede Bridge The bridge was constructed by the Vizier Emir Çoban Salduz of Ilhans in between 1297 - 98. It is a major creation constructed on the Aras River with seven arched sections.
Rüstem Paşa Bedesteni It was constructed by the Grand Vizier of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman (Magnificent Süleyman) Rüstem Paşa. This two floored building displaying the properties of the Ottoman architecture is currently used as a shopping center. Especially oltu stone dealers are present in the shopping center.
Theological Stones
Double Minaret Theology School The school was constructed by İlhans at the end of the 13th century. Constructed with the architecture tradition of Anatolian Seljuks the theology school has an open courtyard and is two layered and has two minarets. Double Minaret Theology School is the biggest theology school of Anatolia.
Yakutiye Theology School The theology school was constructed by Hoca Celaleddin Yakut in 1310 B.C. The structure is one of the rare creations of the İlhanlı Period that could withstand until the present day.
Yakutiye Theology School The theology school was constructed by Hoca Celaleddin Yakut in 1310 B.C. The structure is one of the rare creations of the İlhanlı Period that could withstand until the present day.
Mosques and Churches
The Lalapaşa Mosque and Owshank Church at the city center are worth seeing.
Erzurum Mosques and Churches
Three Vaults The vault which sits on the eight sided plan is assumed to be belonging to the Emir Saltuk, which is the founder of Saltuklu State. The constructors of the remaining two vaults, which were constructed totally from the block stones are not known. The period of construction of the vaults are assumed to be at the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century. Because of their different plans, materials used in the construction and the decorations, the Three Vaults holds a separate place among the other vaults of Turks.
Thermal Springs
Pasinler Thermal Resort
Location: Pasinler, 40km east of Erzurum in Eastern Anatolia.
Transportation: Transport to Erzurum is easy by bus or air. Pasinler is on the main international highway to the Iranian border.
Water temperature: 39°C - 45°C
pH value: 6.5
Physical and chemical properties: Bicarbonate, chlorine, sodium and carbon dioxide and mildly radioactive.
Recommended: Applications Drinking and bathing
Helps to heal: Rheumatism, mental and muscular fatigue, nervous disorders, joint pain and calcium deposits.
Accommodation: There are better options in Erzurum.
Ornithology Areas
Eastern Black Sea Mountains
City: Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Rize, Erzurum, Artvin
Provinces: There are 32 provinces within important bird areas
Surface Area : 1.230.000
Altitude : 0 - 3932 m
Protection: partially
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with sakallı akbaba (20 pairs), kızıl akbaba (20 pairs), kara akbaba (10 pairs), kaya kartalı (10 pairs), huş tavuğu (all Turkey population is within these important bird areas) and ürkeklik populations. These important bird areas including seven regions had been investigated during a research performed in 1993, and a total of 134 mature male huş tavuğu had been determined within six of them. When narrowness of the researched area and wideness of appropriate life environments are considered, it can be deemed that total number of huş tavuğu population within important bird areas exceeds 1000 pairs. But, discover of various important new immigration valley recently is showing that these numbers can be much more than deemed. Due to representation of Eurasia High Mountainous (Alpine) biomes within Turkey by Eastern Black Sea Mountains, it is the only area which gained important bird areas status.
Main Characteristics: Forest, mountain, immigration pass
City: Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Rize, Erzurum, Artvin
Provinces: There are 32 provinces within important bird areas
Surface Area : 1.230.000
Altitude : 0 - 3932 m
Protection: partially
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with sakallı akbaba (20 pairs), kızıl akbaba (20 pairs), kara akbaba (10 pairs), kaya kartalı (10 pairs), huş tavuğu (all Turkey population is within these important bird areas) and ürkeklik populations. These important bird areas including seven regions had been investigated during a research performed in 1993, and a total of 134 mature male huş tavuğu had been determined within six of them. When narrowness of the researched area and wideness of appropriate life environments are considered, it can be deemed that total number of huş tavuğu population within important bird areas exceeds 1000 pairs. But, discover of various important new immigration valley recently is showing that these numbers can be much more than deemed. Due to representation of Eurasia High Mountainous (Alpine) biomes within Turkey by Eastern Black Sea Mountains, it is the only area which gained important bird areas status.
Main Characteristics: Forest, mountain, immigration pass
Erzurum Plains
City: Erzurum
Provinces: Yakutiye
Surface Area : 3300
Altitude : 1750 m
Protection: N/A
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status due to turna (15 pairs) population as well as angıt (max. 1500) ve ak kanatlı sumru (max. 15.000), which can be seen with important numbers during immigration seasons.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lake, swamp
City: Erzurum
Provinces: Yakutiye
Surface Area : 3300
Altitude : 1750 m
Protection: N/A
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status due to turna (15 pairs) population as well as angıt (max. 1500) ve ak kanatlı sumru (max. 15.000), which can be seen with important numbers during immigration seasons.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lake, swamp
Sports Activities
Rafting The Çoruh River flowing at the border of the İspir District of Erzurum is among the most suitable rivers for rafting. Çoruh attracts the tourists by its deep canyons and hundreds of tourists come to visit these canyons. The World Rafting Championship was arranged at Çoruh River in 1993.
Trekking The daily trekking activities are arranged for foreign and local tourists at the Dumlu Mountains which are at the south of Erzurum. After three hours of walking, the participants of this trekking activity reach to the cold water spring of Karasu Creek(also called as Dumbu Baba) as one of the major branches of Rırat River. After a short rest at this location, the visitors make their return path from the Kırkgöze Village. Similar mountain trekking activities are carried on the Palandöken Mountains, which are to the south of Erzurum.
Ski Centers Palandöken Ski Resort, which is one of the major ski centers of Turkey is inside the borders of Erzurum Province.
Trekking The daily trekking activities are arranged for foreign and local tourists at the Dumlu Mountains which are at the south of Erzurum. After three hours of walking, the participants of this trekking activity reach to the cold water spring of Karasu Creek(also called as Dumbu Baba) as one of the major branches of Rırat River. After a short rest at this location, the visitors make their return path from the Kırkgöze Village. Similar mountain trekking activities are carried on the Palandöken Mountains, which are to the south of Erzurum.
Ski Centers Palandöken Ski Resort, which is one of the major ski centers of Turkey is inside the borders of Erzurum Province.
The city of Erzurum is located in the region of severe terrestrial Eastern Anatolian climate region. The annual heat average of the city is approximately 6.0 ºC.
The foundation of the city of Erzurum, which is the greatest city of Eastern Anatolia is assumed to be at the date of 4900 B.C. The region including Erzurum was dominated by various tribes and nations as Urartu, Kimmers, the Scythians, Meds, Persians, Parphts, Romans, Sassanids, Arabs, Seljuks, Byzantine, Mongols and Ilkhanids. The city and the surrounding region was conquered by Ottomans in 1514 and continued their dominance until 1923, in which the Republic of Turkey was founded.
The Congress was assembled in Erzurum (July 23,1919),where the foundations of national strife, national unity and independence movements were laid.
The Congress was assembled in Erzurum (July 23,1919),where the foundations of national strife, national unity and independence movements were laid.
Where to Eat
Su böreği (wet pastry), ekşili dolma (sour stuffed vegetables), kesme çorbası (soup), ayran aşı (yayla çorbası) (nomads soup), çiriş, şalgam dolması (stuffed turnip), yumurta pilavı (egg pilaf), kadayıf dolması could be counted among the traditional meals of Erzurum.
What to Buy
Erzurum is famous about its oltu stone craftsmanship. The major souvenirs of the city could be counted as prayer beads, cigarette holders, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, earrings and hairclips crafted from the oltu stone.
Don't Leave Without
- Skiing at Palandöken,
- Visiting the double minaret Theology School, Yakutiye Theology School and museums
- Rafting if you happen to go to İspir,
- Visiting Tortum Waterfall and Lake if you happen to go to Tortum,
- Tasting Cağ kebap, su böreği ,ayran çorbası , kadayıf dolması
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